Hi friend! Welcome to the world of direct sales. You’re in for a super fun & exciting journey. Or maybe you’re not quite there yet but you’re thinking about it.
When I started in direct sales 3+ years ago, I joined a company that I wasn’t necessarily passionate about. I liked the product. I’d been a customer for a year or so before I joined. As I mentioned previously, I joined that company because it seemed like a fun thing to do.
Finding your Passion
Since I joined that company with no idea what I was doing, I turned to the internets. I joined Facebook groups run by women who had been (or still are) successful in the industry. In those groups, I not only learned about best business practices but also that there are direct sales companies for all your needs – from undergarments to kitchenware!
But wait, there’s more
Don’t get me wrong. It’s still work. If you treat your business like a business, then there is work to be had. There’s all the tedious things like tracking miles, keeping receipts for tax purposes, expenses and whatnot. There’s all the things I don’t mind doing for my business like keeping track of on hand stock and mailing things. And there’s the super fun stuff like doing my nails, taking nailfies, interacting with people & making people feel awesome.
You do you
I feel I found Color Street at the right time in my life. My only regret is not joining sooner than I did. The company I joined first, I did for fun. The company I joined second, I did because I wanted to take all my newfound business knowledge and run a business online without being spammy & gross. Now, I refer to that company as my practice run. I joined another company that seemed really great but wasn’t a good fit for me. Don’t get me wrong, I made money. But there came a point where I grew to hate it, just a little bit. I thought I was super done with all the things. Then Color Street happened.
But friends, you need to find YOUR passion. Find what makes you tick. Then research the hell out of it. Maybe host a party. Talk to friends. Talk to your potential upline. Ask all the questions you can think of. Do the Google.
Good luck with what YOU decide. Keep being awesome, friend.
P.S. Ready for part 2 in the series?

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