Well hey there, friends! It’s been a while.
We were on a break!
Not quite a Ross and Rachel style break, but a break nonetheless. So what have I been up to? Well. It was a rough fall. As much as I intend to blog regularly, that doesn’t always happen. Instead, I was dealing with life (and death) and keeping up with new Color Street launches and my Facebook group in the midst of it all. Then between feeling like I may be having a bit of a midlife crisis & the holidays, I didn’t feel so inspired to write all the things. Time stretched on.
Guess who’s back, back again
So, here I am. At least for today. I have decided less planning and more living in the moment. Keyword there? Living. It’s almost a new year and spring will come again. While all the colors of fall (and the cooler weather) are my favorite, I’ve found in the last few years that I really love spring. The weather isn’t super hot yet and pretty things are blooming everywhere. It makes the sky seem brighter. Or maybe that’s just a tint from the pollen covering everything that stays still long enough.
Anyhow. You won’t be seeing any “new year, new me” stuff but I’ve done a lot of thinking & soul-searching about what I want out of this year, the next 5, and so on. Maybe I’m getting old. Or the kid is (he turned 18 in the fall! What? I know). Or something.
I think the break helped with some things. Figuring out some things. Maybe I’ll try to be more consistent with some things. But I think I know what I want and I’m on a path to getting where I want to be. I hope you are too. Keep on keeping on, friends.

Need general shenanigans or want to talk nails? Join my Facebook group!