In January, I put my “Street Style” program on hold while I made some changes and whatnot. Now I’m excited to announce it’s back and improved!
Wait. What’s Street Style?
Street Style is a Color Street Style of the Month club that I, Amanda Tucker, Independent Color Street Stylist offer to my Facebook group members (and anyone else who wants to join). Do you love Color Street? Getting mail? Surprises? Subscription boxes? If you said yes, this club is for you, friend. Street Style works much like other subscription box programs. You sign up, pay and then you get stuff in the mail. In this case, it’s a set of Color Street nail strips and some sort of nail care item or something fun. Doesn’t that sound super awesome? Nail mail is the best mail!
How Street Style works
The cost of the Street Style program is $15, which includes shipping and the items mentioned above. You can sign up by clicking the button below. I will send an invoice on the 1st of every month. The invoice must be paid by the 5th. I’ll package the box and mail it by the 10th. Then you get a surprise in your mailbox soon after. How easy is that?
But wait, there’s more!
Fine print time. Because Color Street only ships to the US, Street Style is open to those with a US address. Each month will have a new seasonally appropriate theme which will be announced only in my Facebook group. The Color Street nail strip in each Street Style subscription box will be the same for each person and will be a mystery! Joining will also get you points towards rewards if you’re a member of my rewards program. The rewards will be automatically added to your rewards card after each invoice is paid. There is no auto-pay. If for any reason you’d like to be removed from the program or skip a month, just let me know! There are no returns for any items in your Street Style box . If any nail strips arrive damaged or defective, let me know so we can talk replacements!
Haven’t tried Color Street yet, but want to? Request a sample!
Want to host a nail bar & get some new sets for FREE? Let’s talk, friends. Like my Facebook page to get updates on all the Color Street things!

Need general shenanigans or want to talk nails? Join my Facebook group!